ParaTrack™ Gyro Module
Superior Survey Accuracy
Designed and built in the USA specifically for Horizontal Directional Drilling
Beacon Tracker System
Wireless Surface Tracking
A portable tracking system designed to enhance the accuracy of the pilot bore phase of Horizontal Directional Drilling
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This is some dummy copy. You’re not really supposed to read this dummy copy.
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Interdum et malesuada fames
Duis volutpat massa viverra
Maecenas posuere ante in eros
Nulla malesuada massa
Vestibulum scelerisque
Mauris sit amet diam
Nullam eget consectetur augue
Interdum et malesuada fames
Duis volutpat massa viverra
Maecenas posuere ante in eros
Nulla malesuada massa
Vestibulum scelerisque
Mauris sit amet diam
Nullam eget consectetur augue
Interdum et malesuada fames
Duis volutpat massa viverra
Maecenas posuere ante in eros
Nulla malesuada massa
Vestibulum scelerisque
From the blog
Nuts and Bolts of Guidance
Horizontal Directional Drilling (HDD) continues to experience rapid growth with proven effectiveness across a diverse range of installations. HDD is an essential part of the expansion and replacement of …
Solution Mining
A major salt mine in NY uses the Rotating Magnet Ranging System (RMRS) to improve production from their underground salt reserves. Three vertical wells are drilled into the salt layer, and a single lateral well …
RivCross Software
RivCross integrates tracking and survey data from the entire range of ParaTrack products into a single graphical environment that is higly configurable allowing each user to highlight the data …