Guidance You Can Trust

Field-proven on jobsites across the globe, the Steering Tool is the foundation on which the ParaTrack HDD Guidance System is built.

Centralized Control

Equipped with sophisticated magnetic and gravity sensors, the Steering Tool delivers the flexibility demanded by modern HDD operations. Multi-functional in its role, data from the entire range of ParaTrack guidance sources is aggregated at the Steering Tool, then transmitted to surface for visual review and processing.

Durable Design, Proven Performance

With a design refined over two decades, the Steering Tool delivers years of reliable service in even the harshest drilling environments.


  • Unifies steering, surveying, tracking, and logging in one integrated package
  • Rugged, serviceable design
  • Compatible with a wide range of drill pipe sizes


  • HDD pilot bore guidance

The ParaTrack Steering Tool is part of the complete line of ParaTrack HDD guidance tools. Available exclusively from your Inrock or Prime Horizontal dealer.

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