Case Studies

Solution Mining

A major salt mine in NY uses the Rotating Magnet Ranging System (RMRS) to improve production from their underground salt reserves. Three vertical wells are drilled into the salt layer, and a single lateral well …

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River Crossing Guided by Gyro

A telecom operator contracted a new fiber-optic data line run beneath a busy waterway with no room for surface verification at entry and the plan containing a 35° s-turn with tight tolerances for the …

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A pipeline was proposed to connect a natural gas production source with the refining infrastructure on opposite sides of the Congo River seabed canyon. At a minimum of 3 km wide and 400m deep …

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Multiple Parallel Bores

Multiple power lines from a major off-shore wind installation needed to be run in parallel under a railway within a narrow right of way in order to connect to the inland power distribution station …

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Coal Bed Methane

The Rotating Magnet Ranging System (RMRS) is used in Australia to intersect an offset well for the production of coal bed methane. As typical MWD and Gyro surveys are unable to provide the accuracy required …

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