Steering Tool

Nuts and Bolts of Guidance

Horizontal Directional Drilling (HDD) continues to experience rapid growth with proven effectiveness across a diverse range of installations. HDD is an essential part of the expansion and replacement of …

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World Record Dual HDD Intersects in India

Numaligarh Refinery Limited (NRL) is in the process of laying a 1635km cross country pipeline from Paradip Port in Odisha to their refinery Numaligarh, Assam, India. The pipeline is proposed to run from …

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River Crossing Guided by Gyro

A telecom operator contracted a new fiber-optic data line run beneath a busy waterway with no room for surface verification at entry and the plan containing a 35° s-turn with tight tolerances for the …

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A pipeline was proposed to connect a natural gas production source with the refining infrastructure on opposite sides of the Congo River seabed canyon. At a minimum of 3 km wide and 400m deep …

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Multiple Parallel Bores

Multiple power lines from a major off-shore wind installation needed to be run in parallel under a railway within a narrow right of way in order to connect to the inland power distribution station …

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